The woman admitted that she was a sick person and that Jesus Christ is the Physician from God who came to heal her. The more serious your illness is, the faster the doctor will come. If a person's temperature is ninety-eight degrees, the doctor may say that since it is only ninety-eight degrees, there is no need to go. If I ask the doctor to come, will he say that he will come when the temperature drops to one hundred three? The sicker I am, the faster the doctor will come. Friends, have you ever been sick? Suppose I have a fever of one hundred five degrees. You can come just as you are." On that day, she became clear and realized that she could come to the Lord just as she was. The old man put his hand on her back and said, "Go to God just as you are." She jumped up and asked, "Do I not have to do better, make more progress, and improve more before I can believe in the Lord Jesus?" The old man said, "There is no such need. She asked the old man what she must do before she could be saved. As time went by, she found herself worse than before. Still others told her to do good and perform noble deeds, or to do this or do that before she could believe in the Lord Jesus and be saved. Others told her that she should pray more and study the Bible more. Many told her that she had to do better before she could believe in Jesus. She asked them questions and tried to find out from them how she could be saved. She visited many churches and talked with many pastors.

She wondered how a person like herself could face God.

She said that she had the sense of sin since she was very young. I have told you before that this hymn was written by a woman in her twenties. Whatever their state, whatever their problem, let them bring it and tell it to the Friend of sinners. It is for this reason that we can tell people that they need not wait for anything, but can come to Him immediately. I repeat these incidents just to emphasize that what the sinner cannot do the Saviour is at hand to do for him. Yes, we dare to say to-day, to every one of the inhabitants of Shanghai or of any other city, that they can come to Him and be saved just as they are. O Lamb of God I come.' Those words have pointed to countless sinners the way of humble access to God through the blood of Christ. Charlotte Elliott went home and wrote her well-known hymn: 'Just as I am, without one plea.

You don't need to do anything!' Light flashed into her heart, and with it peace and joy. Suddenly in the middle of his address he stopped and pointing his finger at her said: 'You Miss, sitting there at the back, you can be saved now. One day she wandered into a little chapel with no real expectation in her heart, for she was almost in despair. She went to hear this and that preacher and visited churches and chapels in her search for salvation, but all in vain. In England in the early 19th century there was a woman who had Christian parents and who for years had longed to be saved.